The material on this website is provided by Beeson, Tayer & Bodine for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Readers should consult with their own legal counsel before acting on any of the information presented. Some of the articles are updated periodically, and are marked with the date of the last update. Again, readers should consult with their own legal counsel for the most current information and to obtain professional advice before acting on any of the information presented.
Union Just-Cause Actions: California Supreme Court Grants Arbitrators Authority to Decide Pitchess Motions
December 22, 2014 by
Andrew Baker
The California Supreme Court has issued a decision making it easier for unions to follow the procedures necessary to obtain disclosure of personnel records for law enforcement officers when they are needed to defend grievants… Read More
NLRB Recognizes Times Have Changed: Employees May Use Employer’s Email for Union Talk
December 15, 2014 by
Susan Garea
The NLRB has ruled that employers may not prohibit employees from using company email systems to engage in union communications during nonworking time. In Purple Communications Inc., issued December 11, 2014, the Board held that… Read More
NLRB Issues Final Rule to Modernize and Streamline Election Procedures
Susan Garea
New election rules just adopted by the National Labor Relations Board should expedite union elections and limit employer delaying tactics in the NLRB election process, thus expediting union organizing efforts. The new election rules take… Read More
California Paid Sick Leave Legislation
December 9, 2014 by
Sheila Sexton
The California Legislature recently passed a new law mandating that employers provide their employees with at least three (3) paid sick leave days per year. The law will become effective July 1, 2015, and applies… Read More
Minimum Wage Ordinances
December 4, 2014 by
Sheila Sexton
The current minimum wage for the State of California is $9.00 and is scheduled to increase to $10.00 on January 1, 2016. San Francisco, Oakland and Richmond recently passed ordinances raising the minimum wage for… Read More
Court Orders City Cease Reorganization Pending Decision-Bargaining, Awards Union Attorney’s Fees
November 17, 2014 by
Andrew Baker
A California Court of Appeals has affirmed an order forcing the City of Indio to cease its planned reorganization of a police command unit pending bargaining with the Indio Police Command Unit Association over the… Read More
PERB Affirms Public Employees’ Right to Wear Union Logo at Work
October 27, 2014 by
Vishtasp Soroushian
The Public Employment Relations Board recently gave a thumbs up to employees of Sacramento County’s Aircraft Rescue & Firefighting Division (ARFF) who wore uniforms and other clothing displaying their union’s insignia while on duty despite… Read More
NLRB Affirms that FedEx Delivery Drivers are Employees, Not Independent Contractors, and Entitled to Unionize
October 21, 2014 by
Beeson Tayer & Bodine
The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has decided that FedEx’s home delivery drivers are employees who have the right to join a union, and not independent contractors as FedEx has long contended. This decision comes… Read More
California Passes Law to Prevent Workplace Bullying
September 29, 2014 by
Andrew Baker
Governor Brown on September 9 signed into law California’s first bill aimed at preventing workplace bullying. Assembly Bill 2053 (Gonzalez) will help prevent category-neutral harassment in the workplace by requiring employers to educate managers on… Read More
California Adopts New Employment Law Mandating Paid Sick Leave for All Employees
September 22, 2014 by
Beeson Tayer & Bodine
On August 30, 2014, the California State Legislature passed legislation, AB 1522, that benefits all employees in the state by requiring that employers provide their employees with at least three (3) paid sick leave days… Read More
Union Just-Cause Actions: California Supreme Court Grants Arbitrators Authority to Decide Pitchess Motions
December 22, 2014 by Andrew Baker
The California Supreme Court has issued a decision making it easier for unions to follow the procedures necessary to obtain disclosure of personnel records for law enforcement officers when they are needed to defend grievants… Read More

NLRB Recognizes Times Have Changed: Employees May Use Employer’s Email for Union Talk
December 15, 2014 by Susan Garea
The NLRB has ruled that employers may not prohibit employees from using company email systems to engage in union communications during nonworking time. In Purple Communications Inc., issued December 11, 2014, the Board held that… Read More

NLRB Issues Final Rule to Modernize and Streamline Election Procedures
by Susan Garea
New election rules just adopted by the National Labor Relations Board should expedite union elections and limit employer delaying tactics in the NLRB election process, thus expediting union organizing efforts. The new election rules take… Read More

California Paid Sick Leave Legislation
December 9, 2014 by Sheila Sexton
The California Legislature recently passed a new law mandating that employers provide their employees with at least three (3) paid sick leave days per year. The law will become effective July 1, 2015, and applies… Read More

Minimum Wage Ordinances
December 4, 2014 by Sheila Sexton
The current minimum wage for the State of California is $9.00 and is scheduled to increase to $10.00 on January 1, 2016. San Francisco, Oakland and Richmond recently passed ordinances raising the minimum wage for… Read More

Court Orders City Cease Reorganization Pending Decision-Bargaining, Awards Union Attorney’s Fees
November 17, 2014 by Andrew Baker
A California Court of Appeals has affirmed an order forcing the City of Indio to cease its planned reorganization of a police command unit pending bargaining with the Indio Police Command Unit Association over the… Read More

PERB Affirms Public Employees’ Right to Wear Union Logo at Work
October 27, 2014 by Vishtasp Soroushian
The Public Employment Relations Board recently gave a thumbs up to employees of Sacramento County’s Aircraft Rescue & Firefighting Division (ARFF) who wore uniforms and other clothing displaying their union’s insignia while on duty despite… Read More

NLRB Affirms that FedEx Delivery Drivers are Employees, Not Independent Contractors, and Entitled to Unionize
October 21, 2014 by Beeson Tayer & Bodine
The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has decided that FedEx’s home delivery drivers are employees who have the right to join a union, and not independent contractors as FedEx has long contended. This decision comes… Read More

California Passes Law to Prevent Workplace Bullying
September 29, 2014 by Andrew Baker
Governor Brown on September 9 signed into law California’s first bill aimed at preventing workplace bullying. Assembly Bill 2053 (Gonzalez) will help prevent category-neutral harassment in the workplace by requiring employers to educate managers on… Read More

California Adopts New Employment Law Mandating Paid Sick Leave for All Employees
September 22, 2014 by Beeson Tayer & Bodine
On August 30, 2014, the California State Legislature passed legislation, AB 1522, that benefits all employees in the state by requiring that employers provide their employees with at least three (3) paid sick leave days… Read More