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The material on this website is provided by Beeson, Tayer & Bodine for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Readers should consult with their own legal counsel before acting on any of the information presented. Some of the articles are updated periodically, and are marked with the date of the last update. Again, readers should consult with their own legal counsel for the most current information and to obtain professional advice before acting on any of the information presented.


Governor Brown Signs Legislation to Expand Overtime for Three Groups of Employees

October 10, 2016 by

Governor Jerry Brown in September signed three union-supported bills to expand overtime protections for farmworkers, private school teachers, and domestic workers.  All three of these new laws will help workers in these important occupations.Farmworkers AB… Read More

NLRB Rules CBA Expiration Bars Employers’ Discretionary, Unilateral Changes, No Matter What Past Practice Is

October 3, 2016 by

When a union contract expires, so too does the management rights clause contained in that contract. Unilateral changes an employer may make in working conditions and terms of employment during the contract pursuant to the… Read More

Is Accommodation Required for Association with a Disabled Person?

September 28, 2016 by

An employer may be liable under the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) for firing an employee because of the employee’s association with a person who is disabled or perceived to be disabled, according the… Read More

NLRB Clarifies Purchaser’s Bargaining Obligation

September 19, 2016 by

The National Labor Relations Board has issued a decision that emphasizes the importance of a purchaser’s communications with a selling employer’s employees before taking over the operations of the seller. The decision, Nexeo Solutions, LLC,… Read More

NLRB Revises Back-Pay Rules to Aid Victims of Discrimination

September 12, 2016 by

The NLRB has revised its back-pay policies to more fully compensate employees for losses incurred as the result of discrimination because of their union affiliation or activities.  The basic back-pay rule is that discriminatees receive… Read More

Collective Bargaining: The Bone and Sinew of Resistance

September 5, 2016 by

This Labor Day marks the beginning of the end of a long and bitter election season, one that has revealed striking divisions within America’s political parties and stark contrasts in each party’s vision of America. … Read More

Student Teaching and Research Assistants Unite!

September 1, 2016 by

The NLRB on August 23 issued a ruling that private university students who work as teaching or research assistants and who meet the common-law definition of “employee” are no longer excluded from coverage under the… Read More

With Passionate Dissenters, CA Supreme Court Leaves Intact Teacher Due Process Laws and Rejects Constitutional Right to ‘Quality’ Education

August 29, 2016 by

In a closely watched case, and by a close vote, the California Supreme Court refused to find unconstitutional California’s teacher tenure, dismissal, and layoff statutes.  In Vergara v. State of California and the California Teachers… Read More

Ninth Circuit Voids Class Waiver Provision Contained In Arbitration Agreement

August 24, 2016 by

In an important victory for workers and worker advocates, this week the Ninth Circuit held that employers may not insist that their employees agree to class action waivers, typically contained in arbitration provisions, because such… Read More

Legislature Extends Authority of Local Governments to Enforce Local Wage Laws

August 16, 2016 by

Wage theft is a serious problem in California.  In Los Angeles County alone approximately $26.6 million in wages is stolen from laborers every week.  Because wage theft disproportionately affects the most vulnerable in California, including… Read More