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Labor Law (Public Sector)

Court Orders City Cease Reorganization Pending Decision-Bargaining, Awards Union Attorney’s Fees

November 17, 2014 by

A California Court of Appeals has affirmed an order forcing the City of Indio to cease its planned reorganization of a police command unit pending bargaining with the Indio Police Command Unit Association over the… Read More

PERB Affirms Public Employees’ Right to Wear Union Logo at Work

October 27, 2014 by

The Public Employment Relations Board recently gave a thumbs up to employees of Sacramento County’s Aircraft Rescue & Firefighting Division (ARFF) who wore uniforms and other clothing displaying their union’s insignia while on duty despite… Read More

US Supreme Court Clarifies Public Employee Free Speech Rights

September 1, 2014 by

Public employees enjoy free speech rights, the same as all citizens, when they speak “as citizens,” but their speech rights are extremely limited when they speak “as employees.”  The line between citizen speech and employee… Read More

Teacher Names Linked to Test Scores Ruled Exempt From Public Disclosure

August 25, 2014 by

Standardized testing in education is a contentious issue. Proponents of testing argue that it is necessary for evaluating both student and teacher performance. Opponents believe testing forces teachers to “teach to the test” which only… Read More

New Developments in Public Employee Labor Relations (PERB), Pensions and Initiatives

August 18, 2014 by

In the past several weeks, a number of decisions provide challenges, opportunities, and fodder in the law of public employee labor relations, retirement security, and the initiative process. Each of these developments arise from the… Read More

Beeson, Tayer & Bodine files amicus brief on behalf of Peace Officers Research Association of California (“PORAC”) and PORAC Legal Defense Fund

July 24, 2014 by

Beeson, Tayer and Bodine (BT&B) has filed an amicus brief on behalf of PORAC in an important case that tests the protections afforded collective bargaining agreements under the California Constitution’s contract clause. The case involves… Read More

Supremes Strike Down Illinois’ “Fair Share” Law for Homecare Workers; Leave for Another Day Public Sector Fair Share Fees in General

June 30, 2014 by

In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court today struck down an Illinois law permitting a union representing homecare workers to negotiate into a collective bargaining agreement with the State an agency-fee or “fair share” provision… Read More

Republican Judge Slams Teacher Rights

June 12, 2014 by

An L.A. Superior Court Judge on June 10 upheld a lawsuit brought by a billionaire’s “non-profit” entity called “Students First.”  As part of the legal community that is dedicated to advocacy for the employment rights… Read More

PERB Confirms Factfinding Applies to “Single Issue” Negotiations

May 19, 2014 by

The issue of requiring independent factfinding is governed in California by the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act (MMBA).  There have been several decisions by the Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) as well as the courts that cover factfinding… Read More

Weingarten Representatives Have Rights Too

April 17, 2014 by

It has been long established law under the National Labor Relations Act that an employee has a statutory right to union representation at any employer investigatory interview that the employee reasonably fears may result in… Read More