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Protections for Immigrant Workers

February 2, 1015 by

Job Protections for Immigrants Workers — AB 2751 (Hernández): This law expands on legislation implemented last year and provides three additional and important protections for whistleblowers and for undocumented workers. First, the new law provides that when an employee “blows the-whistle” on her employer, the $10,000 penalty provided for under the labor code is to be paid to the affected employee(s). Second, the new statute adds an additional “unfair-immigration related practice” to the labor code, making it unlawful for employers to threaten or file reports with state or federal agencies in retaliation for employees’ exercise of labor code rights. Finally, the bill establishes that employers may not fire, retaliate, or take any adverse action against an employee that updates his or her personal information based on a lawful change of name, social security number, or employment authorization.

Protecting Immigrant Drivers – AB 1660 (Alejo)

This new law makes it a violation of the state’s FEHA for an employer to discriminate against undocumented persons who legitimately attained a DMV-issued driver’s license pursuant to a recently enacted law.

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