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Archive for May, 2015

Recent Developments in Anti-Discrimination Law
May 25, 2015 by Stephanie Platenkamp
Courts reaffirmed California’s commitment to protecting workers from discrimination and harassment in two decisions published recently. In Hirst v. City of Oceanside, a California Court of Appeals affirmed the broad reach of California’s anti-harassment laws,… Read More

NLRB Ordena la Reincorporación Condicional de Trabajadores Indocumentados
May 11, 2015 by Dalisai Nisperos
Cuando un empleador conscientemente emplea individuos que no tienen autorización para trabajar en los Estados Unidos, y los despide en violación de la Ley Nacional de Relaciones Laborales (NLRA por su sigla en inglés), los… Read More

NLRB Orders Conditional Reinstatement of Undocumented Workers
When an employer knowingly hires individuals who are not authorized to work in the U.S., and unlawfully terminates them in violation of the National Labor Relations Act, the employees may be reinstated to their former… Read More

Shop Stewards Have Weingarten Rights, Too.
May 4, 2015 by Christopher Hammer
Union members have the right to the presence of a union representative at an investigatory interview that the employee reasonably believes may result in discipline: this is the Weingarten right, named after the U.S. Supreme… Read More