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Archive for May, 2013

Employer Violates NLRA by Issuing Blanket Rule Directing Employee Not to Discuss Investigation with Co-workers

May 21, 2013 by

In a recent labor law ruling, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) found flaws in the standard Human Resource practice of prohibiting employees from discussing on-going investigations related to protected activity.  Going forward it appears… Read More

Court Protects Employees’ Right to Vested Vacation Pay

May 14, 2013 by

A recent appellate court decision has resolved an important legal issue regarding the right of California employees to receive pay for their vested vacation time when they leave employment. When California employees are terminated, retire,… Read More

Dale Brodsky Appointed to the California Fair Employment and Housing Council 5-6-2013

May 8, 2013 by

SACRAMENTO – Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced that Dale Brodsky, 62, of Orinda, has been appointed to the California Fair Employment and Housing Council.  Brodsky is a partner at Beeson Tayer and Bodine,… Read More

NLRB Decision Guides Unions on Non-Member Employee Objectors: Private-Sector Non Members Not Entitled to Audit Verification Letter for Calculation of Fees and Some Lobbying Expenses May Be Chargeable to Objectors

May 6, 2013 by

The referenced case clarifies required documentation where Union membership is not required but private sector employee non-members pay reduced Union fees for direct bargaining and representation expenses.  National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) decisions continually guide… Read More